In ancient warfare, there was a time to bar the gate of the city in order to keep the enemy out, and there was a time to break down the gates of the enemy’s city. Gone are the days of swords and shields. Culture is the arena of battle at this time. To have faith in anything that is worthy of faith is now ridiculous. Looking at facts, and calling them facts, is now offensive.
There is still a need for defense and offense, but ideas are the weapons now. The past is enlightening. The future is uncertain. Come along to test your mettle. You might be challenge. You might be uncomfortable. You might learn something. Click through the links below to rattle your gates.
- No One Gets Out of Life AlivePrepare to Be Irrelevant As a father, I want to give my kids a certain kind of life. Life requires work. It requires vision. It requires faith above all else. Faith in a sovereign God is the only thing that …
- Getting Them from There to HereFor a guy that was born with a speech impediment, it is interesting that talking has been my job for the last 11 years. Unrelated to that, I misspeak a lot. It’s probably genetic from my mother, but we’ll just …
- What makes a Leader?A Commendation to our U.H. I have often said about myself that I make a great number 2. I can lead when called upon. I will lead if no one else is. But my preference is to stand behind a …
- Glory in the MundaneAchilles, King Arthur, Aragorn, Anakin. Heroes. Every young man’s dream. I grew up with a world in my head. These men swirled through it. I always wanted to be the hero, to swing a sword and save someone, anyone. I …
- A Glitch in the System?Nassim Nicholas Taleb changed how I looked at the world a few years ago. Black Swan, Skin In The Game, and Antifragile taught me a new way to analyze the world and myself. You should check out all three of these books. For today …