Classical Education, What’s It Good For?

What Does Classical Education Get You? Grammar, Logic, Rhetoric, Arithmetic, Geometry, Music, Astronomy. Plato, Charlotte Mason, Dorothy Sayers, Doug Wilson. Classical education is a lot of things. It has morphed and changed over the years, rising and falling through history. Each iteration adds another layer to it, putting more flesh onto the bones of the …

A Student Can’t Be Above Their Teacher

A few days ago, I was reading through Matthew 10, and I came to verse 24, paraphrasing it would be that a servant cannot be above their master. Great principle. In context, this is telling the disciples that they should be ready to be mocked, scorned, and disgraced because that is what the leaders were …

Let’s Leave it to the States?

Why Abortion is Not a State’s Issue Debate is a skill that has been lost in America in recent generations. I like to think that in order to keep the peace and to be able to have the family over for Thanksgiving, fathers and uncles stopped arguing and decided to live by agreeing to disagree …

How to Make an Impact

I was reading Matthew 9 the other day and had an interesting thought. In verses 1-8, Jesus tells the paralytic that his sins are forgiven. The scribes don’t like this and call it blaspheming. Jesus looked at them and told them that He said this so that they would believe that He had authority and …