To Your Good Health and Prosperity

Over the past year, I have been working on one of my deficiencies. I have been active in my quest to conquer it, yet to no avail. I have come to the conclusion that this is the way that God has made me. God has made me to not really enjoy desserts. I have slaved, slummed, and have done what can be done. I have put earnest effort into enjoying the delicacies around me. Every time I try something new, some new sugary delight, I just don’t feel good. I am admitting defeat in this area. I still try though.

I bring this up because treats are abundant around my work. Barely a day goes by when someone is not treating someone else to something. Cookies galore and brownies a plenty. These are not meager things. Classes will throw meals for the secondary and occasionally the whole school. Houses will treat other houses. Baking 3 dozen cookies while doing homework is a breeze to many of our young ladies. Our young men sling tables and chair, serve plates, string lights, and join in the work just as much as any of them.

These things are not on accident. They don’t just happen. We do happen to have a good stock of families. This is also a culture that we are cultivating. Hospitality was a virtue in Old Testament times and Ancient Greek mythologies that they got right because you never know if you are entertaining angels or gods.

Hospitality is more than food. It is more than drink. It is more than shelter. It is a release of burdens. It is the sharing of sustenance. It is sacrifice. It is the sharing of life. It is putting another above yourself and your loved one. It comes at a real cost.

This is a focus because this is what Christ does for us. He welcomes us into his family. He shares His life with us. He gives us all the good things that we have. We receive them with open hands, and they go as quickly as they come. He is good though. He has a way of making things come around.

This type of living is infectious. As Mr. Sarr says, grateful people are more fun to bless. So, we bless each other and are blessed in return. We give with no thought of getting anything in return, yet we know that there will always be a return because God is good. God has a way of multiplying what we try to do with addition.

We bake and cook. Eat and drink. Sing and dance. All together. Kindergarten through headmaster. Everyone is expecting to join in because they all do. We each play and sing our part for the betterment of the whole. We are building a culture that we want to spread to the families. We want to grow families that want to spend time with each other. We want to build generations that eat, drink, sing, dance, live, and worship together. It can’t stop at the walls of the school. That would actually be wrong. This type of hospitable living needs to expand and extend through the fingertips to the edge of the coast.

This is normal at our school. If you want to build this kind of culture, we would gladly join in your efforts. Come partner with us.

Our info night is on Tuesday.

Swing by to learn more.