There is something about old words that has been lost over time. Our society and language have been dumbed down to the point where things only have surface meaning. It is quite terrible. There are some great words that we have lost like arete for virtue and trouthe for truth. Arete and trouthe are both great words that are similar to virtue and truth, but they mean so much more. A question to ponder is: is this because we are a simpler people?
In Ephesians 6:4, we get the words “discipline and instruction” in place of the Greek word Paideia. Paideia can be thought of as education, but it is another one that means so much more. Paideia is the passing on of a worldview. It includes cultures, norms, ethics, and knowhow. It is not just about the three r’s. Paideia was about what it meant to be a Hebrew, Greek, or American. There was a national, cultural, familial pride that came about being any of these peoples.
To a Christian, we are so much more than a people group. Our nationality has changed. We are no longer just an American. We are Christian. When I discipline my kids, we talk about acting like a Christian, acting like a Weinberg, and acting like an American. These are 3 types of social norms that I am trying to instill within my kids.
Within a school context, I think about these 3 levels for my students because of their family. We only invite families, that are members in good standing in a local evangelical church, into our school, because we want to be able to represent their beliefs to their children. The gospel flows through our teachers, curriculum, and school. We talk about it all the time. If there were different views as foundational as this, we could not serve our families well in this area. I hold my students to a Christian standard. I call sin, sin in class. We read history in class and judge the people of history. The homosexuality of the Caesars in Rome comes up in class. We rightly condemn it. This next week we are considering the relationship between Henry II and Thomas Becket. There is sin all over this story. We use it to teach history and morality. We have to have similar standards as our parents in order to do our job correctly. We teach Christianly here at ECS.
This matters for two reasons: worship and evangelism. One of our main goals at ECS is to grow worshippers. Someone may say that we are indoctrinating our students, yet I would vehemently disagree. The best way to make a hypocrite or an apostate would be to teach someone Christianity and not allow them to question it. We question everything. In doing so, we find that the only belief that hold water is Christianity. Scripture, History, Science, Math, Logic, Latin, it all points to God because it stems from Him. The skeptics are considered. Existentialism is taught. Evolution is examined. We look at every major system of thought and put it on trial. Our students know that if these systems are accepted, then life is meaningless and irrational. Morality is out the window and there is no reason to go on existing. Life is way too beautiful to even consider these things. Our education causes one to look at the world and turn to Christ. He is the only reason.
Because of this, we want our students to live full, robust lives. Lives that do things and enjoy the things of earth because God made them to be enjoyed. He gave them to us for our pleasure, like a father giving his son a new baseball mitt. A good father is not sad if his son wears out his mitt after a few thousand catches. He is sadden if it is abused and destroyed from neglect and misuse. I believe God the Father is the same way when it comes to the good things of this world.
People that enjoy themselves, each other, and this world are a rarity nowadays. The world is dark and full of terror. Disaster is around each corner. Bad things happen all the time. Only those who know that a good, sovereign Father holds it all can take it all in stride with laughter.
This is a believer that will be a light in the dark times to the world around them.
This is the type of person we aim to educate with the paideia of the Lord.
This is a jovial warrior.
This is the education of ECS.
This is a Raggant.
Come Tuesday night to learn more.
Info in the link.