The gloriousness of life is that it is not fair. If it were, all of humanity would be damned. Some people do have it less “fair” than others. Some people have a really hard time just staying alive. Some people are only alive because of miracles whether it be people being in the right place or modern medicine. The miracle of life is something to be cherished and protected.
The thing that is amazing to me is how few people think about the fragility of their lives. The body is a very complex machine with systems that depend upon each other for the continuation of the system. The skin needs the blood which needs the lungs which needs energy, which needs the nerves, which need protection. The body is completely interdependent.
I recently saw a friend talking about how a diabetic is in a constant fight for survival. Eating food makes their body potential die if they don’t intervene and help. This is totally true. The crazy part is the everyone is in a constant fight for survival. Sleeping, eating, and breathing are the simple things that all people need to keep on keeping on. Yet these are very fragile things. This past week, all of my kids were sick. There were several nights where my wife and I got zero hours of uninterrupted sleep. This made for some long days. It also showed us how life can be so easily interrupted.
Most of us have been blessed that we don’t think about our hearts beating, lungs breathing, or even what food and water we will be eating next. There are all new blessings. Most of human history had to struggle for at least 2 of these 4 things. It used to be a common thing for people to just die. It was a sad reality rather than a tragedy.
Life is so very fragile. We need to treat it as such. This is not a call to be consumed with our near demise. Rather it is a call to realize the blessings that we have. To praise God for the things that He has given to us. To love our families. To raise kids who love God and work hard. To sing songs. To feast well. To enjoy wine. To consider good books. To plant a garden. To raise some food. We all currently have breath in our lungs. Now is the time to get work done. To use the strength that we have been given by God, whether it is great or small, is glorious.
Here is to fragility. Take it and run.