Classical Education, What’s It Good For?

What Does Classical Education Get You? Grammar, Logic, Rhetoric, Arithmetic, Geometry, Music, Astronomy. Plato, Charlotte Mason, Dorothy Sayers, Doug Wilson. Classical education is a lot of things. It has morphed and changed over the years, rising and falling through history. Each iteration adds another layer to it, putting more flesh onto the bones of the …

A Student Can’t Be Above Their Teacher

A few days ago, I was reading through Matthew 10, and I came to verse 24, paraphrasing it would be that a servant cannot be above their master. Great principle. In context, this is telling the disciples that they should be ready to be mocked, scorned, and disgraced because that is what the leaders were …

A Slowburn that Changed Your World

A little old man hobbles out of his house in a tizzy. His mailbox had just been knocked over by a child. The child, a thirty-something-year-old construction worker was just doing what he was told.  “What’s the big idea?” screamed the senior in delirium.  The young man just stood there, not sure how to respond …

Dust in the Eyes is Good for the Soul

Over the last few years of being a teacher, I have asked a lot of students to read mountains of pages that most Americans would see as a breaking of the Eighth Amendment. Some have balked at my requests. Some have silently refused them. Some have been brave enough to protest my requirements. While some …

The Prophecy and Warning of Captain Ahab

When I read a fiction book, I either want to enjoy the writing style of the author, be interested by the story being told, or I want to get encouragement to go out and do something more with my life. I like to learn and escape into another world for a bit as long it …

What is “Classical” about Classical Education?

I’m not entirely sure why, but I really prefer to know where ideas come from, like who influenced what. Like how did it become mainstream for people to think they could decide their own reality and if they were a man, a woman, or a cat? Even 50 years ago, if someone had said that …