Do Kids Just Need a Slap to the Head?

Guerrilla Education : Teaching From the Trenches (Part 2) There once was a time in the not too distant past that any education was seen as a blessing and a gift. Most people before 200-300 years ago did not know even how to read. It was a skill for the upper class. Reading was a way …

Guerrilla Education: Teaching From the Trenches (Part 1)

You are what you teach If I have any expertise to my name, I would say that I am an expert learner. This is not to brag but more to say that I have spent more time in my life learning than anything else. I have been in school longer than any other job I …

Why Christians Have a Duty to Defy/Defend Some Governing Authorities

There is a reason that America is called the Great Experiment. It was founded at a time of great political and religious turmoil. The time of the 1500s-1800s was a time of revolts, secessions, and schisms. Countries, rulers, and churches were all coming and going. I’m welcomed to being fact checked, but as far as …

Universal Education Frustrates Human Growth

or Why Educating Everyone is a Bad Idea I remember a time that my mother asked me what I wanted to do with my life. I think I was around 7th or 8thgrade. I was a kid. I had no idea. I told her that I didn’t know, but I did know that I would not …

The Problem with Useful Education

A History of Pragmatic Education When I began teaching, I almost exclusively taught mathematics. I had students ranging from third grade through twelfth grade. A common question that I was asked particularly by the junior higher was, “When am I ever going to use this?”  Now this is a legitimate question for a student to …