How Do You Know a Good Story When You See One?

The Dispensational Storyline I heard it first credited to C.S. Lewis that “Story always win.” I’ve read in plenty of business books that stories sell. If you are one that enjoys the court room drama like me, then it is not always the one who has all of the facts that win the case, but …

The Problem with Useful Education

A History of Pragmatic Education When I began teaching, I almost exclusively taught mathematics. I had students ranging from third grade through twelfth grade. A common question that I was asked particularly by the junior higher was, “When am I ever going to use this?”  Now this is a legitimate question for a student to …

A Defense of Practical Theology

A notion that I have learned from my youth is “Doing depends on Doctrine.” This is something that will never easily leave me. It has been a pillar in my mind as to why one should focus on the minute details of theology. What we believe does work itself out through our actions. Doctrine is …

Praise God From Whom All Blessings Flow

Today is the day that the United States, and other countries around, collectively spend the day giving thanks for what they have. Traditionally, this time of thanksgiving was the norm around harvest times in cultures that were religious. There is something magically about the growing and gathering of crops that less civilized men knew and …

A Modern View of Morality

In ancient times, there was seldom a question about what was right and wrong. Through the application of natural law and reason, one could come to a close approximate to how each society would work within the civilized world. Those who did not fit the social normative standards were labeled as barbarians and not fit …

An Investigation into The Meaning of Life

Kant was at a unique place in the history of thought. He understood the ancients and the validity that came from their thoughts. He could see the holes in their thinking in that one had to agree with their mythologies in order to fully accept their philosophies. He understood the Scholastics and may even have …

Locke’s Guide to Government Startups

Each person starts out life in a very similar way: in a whirl of blurring unknown that speeds up as things are understood. While it is similar for each person, it is also vastly different as starting points through time and space all give a person their own unique perspective on life, one that shapes …