Why Christians Have a Duty to Defy/Defend Some Governing Authorities

There is a reason that America is called the Great Experiment. It was founded at a time of great political and religious turmoil. The time of the 1500s-1800s was a time of revolts, secessions, and schisms. Countries, rulers, and churches were all coming and going. I’m welcomed to being fact checked, but as far as …

A Christian’s Responsibility to Submit to Authority

Covid-19 and the year 2020 was a hard time for most people on many different levels. Society was shut down, for good or evil. Jobs lost. Drug and alcohol use skyrocketed. People were encouraged to turn on their brothers and sisters for merely going outside. It was a dark and lonely time for most of …

How Do You Know a Good Story When You See One?

The Dispensational Storyline I heard it first credited to C.S. Lewis that “Story always win.” I’ve read in plenty of business books that stories sell. If you are one that enjoys the court room drama like me, then it is not always the one who has all of the facts that win the case, but …

Universal Education Frustrates Human Growth

or Why Educating Everyone is a Bad Idea I remember a time that my mother asked me what I wanted to do with my life. I think I was around 7th or 8thgrade. I was a kid. I had no idea. I told her that I didn’t know, but I did know that I would not …

The Problem with Useful Education

A History of Pragmatic Education When I began teaching, I almost exclusively taught mathematics. I had students ranging from third grade through twelfth grade. A common question that I was asked particularly by the junior higher was, “When am I ever going to use this?”  Now this is a legitimate question for a student to …

A Defense of Practical Theology

A notion that I have learned from my youth is “Doing depends on Doctrine.” This is something that will never easily leave me. It has been a pillar in my mind as to why one should focus on the minute details of theology. What we believe does work itself out through our actions. Doctrine is …

Praise God From Whom All Blessings Flow

Today is the day that the United States, and other countries around, collectively spend the day giving thanks for what they have. Traditionally, this time of thanksgiving was the norm around harvest times in cultures that were religious. There is something magically about the growing and gathering of crops that less civilized men knew and …

A Modern View of Morality

In ancient times, there was seldom a question about what was right and wrong. Through the application of natural law and reason, one could come to a close approximate to how each society would work within the civilized world. Those who did not fit the social normative standards were labeled as barbarians and not fit …