How to Understand the World…And Your Bible

Universals vs. Particulars As much as I like the idea of being one, I am not an art guy. I would like to think that it is mostly because I haven’t given myself enough time to really learn about it. I can appreciate it though. Fairly recently, like in the last year or two, I …

What is “Classical” about Classical Education?

I’m not entirely sure why, but I really prefer to know where ideas come from, like who influenced what. Like how did it become mainstream for people to think they could decide their own reality and if they were a man, a woman, or a cat? Even 50 years ago, if someone had said that …

A Christian’s Responsibility to Submit to Authority

Covid-19 and the year 2020 was a hard time for most people on many different levels. Society was shut down, for good or evil. Jobs lost. Drug and alcohol use skyrocketed. People were encouraged to turn on their brothers and sisters for merely going outside. It was a dark and lonely time for most of …

The Problem with Useful Education

A History of Pragmatic Education When I began teaching, I almost exclusively taught mathematics. I had students ranging from third grade through twelfth grade. A common question that I was asked particularly by the junior higher was, “When am I ever going to use this?”  Now this is a legitimate question for a student to …