How to Make an Impact

I was reading Matthew 9 the other day and had an interesting thought. In verses 1-8, Jesus tells the paralytic that his sins are forgiven. The scribes don’t like this and call it blaspheming. Jesus looked at them and told them that He said this so that they would believe that He had authority and …

How to Understand the World…And Your Bible

Universals vs. Particulars As much as I like the idea of being one, I am not an art guy. I would like to think that it is mostly because I haven’t given myself enough time to really learn about it. I can appreciate it though. Fairly recently, like in the last year or two, I …

How Do You Know a Good Story When You See One?

The Dispensational Storyline I heard it first credited to C.S. Lewis that “Story always win.” I’ve read in plenty of business books that stories sell. If you are one that enjoys the court room drama like me, then it is not always the one who has all of the facts that win the case, but …

A Defense of Practical Theology

A notion that I have learned from my youth is “Doing depends on Doctrine.” This is something that will never easily leave me. It has been a pillar in my mind as to why one should focus on the minute details of theology. What we believe does work itself out through our actions. Doctrine is …

Praise God From Whom All Blessings Flow

Today is the day that the United States, and other countries around, collectively spend the day giving thanks for what they have. Traditionally, this time of thanksgiving was the norm around harvest times in cultures that were religious. There is something magically about the growing and gathering of crops that less civilized men knew and …