How to Make an Impact

I was reading Matthew 9 the other day and had an interesting thought. In verses 1-8, Jesus tells the paralytic that his sins are forgiven. The scribes don’t like this and call it blaspheming. Jesus looked at them and told them that He said this so that they would believe that He had authority and …

Generational Habits for Dangerous People

In the beginning, God spoke the world into existence through the Logos. I enjoy imagining it like Lewis did in The Magician’s Nephew and having Aslan sing Narnia into being. The world was not singular. It was dynamic and growing. It was expansive. It was way bigger than Adam could ever fathom. This did not stop God …

The Prophecy and Warning of Captain Ahab

When I read a fiction book, I either want to enjoy the writing style of the author, be interested by the story being told, or I want to get encouragement to go out and do something more with my life. I like to learn and escape into another world for a bit as long it …

How to Understand the World…And Your Bible

Universals vs. Particulars As much as I like the idea of being one, I am not an art guy. I would like to think that it is mostly because I haven’t given myself enough time to really learn about it. I can appreciate it though. Fairly recently, like in the last year or two, I …