Classical Education, What’s It Good For?

What Does Classical Education Get You?

Grammar, Logic, Rhetoric, Arithmetic, Geometry, Music, Astronomy. Plato, Charlotte Mason, Dorothy Sayers, Doug Wilson. Classical education is a lot of things. It has morphed and changed over the years, rising and falling through history. Each iteration adds another layer to it, putting more flesh onto the bones of the pedagogy. Everyone seems to put their own unique flair onto it, focusing on the different aspects that they deem most important. 

If there was a singular flair that Evangel Classical School was trying to add to their iteration, I would say that it is that Jesus is Lord over all. This might seem like a Christian platitude; except we weirdly mean it. We actively practice Matthew 18 when it comes to conflict resolution between students, parents, and teachers. If a problem comes up, we ask first, “Well, did you talk to the person?” Gossip is weirdly stopped when you do that. 

When it comes to subjects, 6-day creation is believed, but we debate evolution. The bounds of science in shown within the studies of Taxonomy, Mole conversions, and Up and Down Quarks. Van-Tillian presuppositional apologetics is taught to the seniors where they debate the subjects of Evil, Baptism, and abortion rights. We read Hamilton’s Mythology and Genesis, Machiavelli and Luther, Blaise Pascal and David Hume. Nothing in God’s creation is off limits because He cares about it all. This is something that is unique to ECS, I think. 

To a broad extent, Classical education also gives a lot to those who run through its gauntlet. Using Sayer’s breakdown of education, in the Grammar stage, students learn how to learn. They take in all kinds of information about the world because this is the age that it is easiest. My seniors are still singing the songs that they learned in elementary when I ask for the layers of taxonomy, for example. In the logic stage, we teach logic and the rules of arguments, how to spot a fallacy when a politician uses one. We study how to find truth within knowledge, knowing that there is objective truth because of Christ. Finally, in the Rhetoric stage, we teach how to present and persuade. It is not enough to know facts and how to spot the truth if you can’t convince your fellow man of what you know. 

This does make our program a 13-year program. Each stage is vital. One is needed before the other, and if left not finished, it is like crafting a race car without bothering to paint it. It might work fine, but everyone is going to doubt that it is worth anything. 

I am convinced for my kids that we need more people who know and learn anything, that can spot truth among lies, and that can get up a speak in order to change the mind of the mob. That they can see how all these things are under the Lordship of Christ. Our city, state, and country need more people who can do this. This is why I send my kids to ECS. This is why I have given 6 years of my life to this school and spend hours each day on how to do it and make it better. 

If this seems attractive to you for yourself or your kids, consider coming to our info night to learn more.