Why not start off with something controversial. Black History Month was last month and now we are on to Woman History Month. Racial tension in America has been to a new level of high for a while now. The new leadership of our country does not look to be making things better. This is a tragedy.
The reason Martin Luther King jr. said this quote is important. He was responding to a letter from a supporter that was questioning why he was protesting in a city not his own. The argument was that since things were fine in King’s hometown, he should just stay there and keep his head down. King disagreed and said this famous line. He would not standby while his brothers and sisters suffered in other parts of the United States. This is the land of freedom, life and liberty after all.
Which brings me to the greatest injustice our land has ever faced. We slaughtered our own brothers over state’s rights and slavery in the 1880’s. We lost over 100,000 lives settling other countries disputes in WWI. We lost almost half a million people fighting fascism in WWII. We have supposedly lost over half a million people to COVID in the past year. All of these pale in comparison.
Since 1973, there has been 50 million abortions in the United States. This is an average of over 500,000 per year. This is insanity! The weakest people in our society have the least amount of protection. Some would even say that it is encouraged to kill the unborn if they are a hinderance to the mother/father/couple. This is epically wrong. The United States has more protection for an unborn eagle’s egg than for unborn children. Think on that one.
Some would say that I have no right to talk here since I am a man. This is a faulty argument since a man is the one who has to supply one of the haploid cells in order to make a zygote (fertilized egg). Since I am part of the equation to make the “problem,” I should be a part of the solution. I do believe that at the point of fertilization, there is life since this is the first step that has to happen for life in all bisexual life forms. Some doctors have said that it is just a clump of cells. It is not life. Our justice system disagrees with these statements. For example, if I were to get into my car and drive down the road a hit a pregnant lady and kill her and her unborn child, I would be charged with 2 counts of manslaughter. Why would anyone be charged with 2 counts of manslaughter if there were not two lives present?
There are plenty of arguments on both sides of the proverbial aisle here, but it really only comes down to one thing: is the fetus a life? If the answer to this questions is yes, then we have been murdering or allowing murder in our country. If the answer is no, then when does life start for any life, man or animal? The definition should be the same for both.
The “My body, My Choice” crowd is an interesting one. I have only every heard this said by woman so I’ll address the argument as if I am talking to a woman. I actually completely agree that you have a choice over your own body. I disagree that you have a choice over the other body that is inside of you. You actually have a terrible RESPONSIBILITY to provide for that body inside of you. It is actually one of the greatest gifts, jobs, and blessings that a woman has. The Bible even saids that woman will be saved through childbirth. Could the argument be made that a woman is curse for destroying that blessings? I’ll leave that up to you.
I would say there is no argument here. As we have classified eagle’s eggs and special and a pregnant woman being killed a double homicide, so should abortion be treated.
Roe v. Wade is a tragedy that must be repelled. This is an injustice that Martin Luther King Jr. would have marched against. Where are those who are fighting for the weakest of us? More Christians get upset over the ridiculous mask mandates than have gotten upset about abortions. One is an overreach of government. The other is strictly murder.