Let’s Leave it to the States?

Why Abortion is Not a State’s Issue

Debate is a skill that has been lost in America in recent generations. I like to think that in order to keep the peace and to be able to have the family over for Thanksgiving, fathers and uncles stopped arguing and decided to live by agreeing to disagree on hard subjects. Pubs were once a place for the populace to go and argue over a pint, getting louder as pitchers were consumed and the night wore on. 

Sometimes, debates need larger platforms, particularly when it is about something that affects everyone. A famous public debate that we have saved throughout our history is the Federalist and Anti-Federalist papers. These papers were published in the newspaper for everyone to read. They were the arguments that helped to found our country, taking us from the Articles of Confederation to the Constitution. They debated things like the balance of power between the states and the federal government, or whether it was good to have a standing army. They were looking for a balance between anarchy and tyranny and how to hold it for generations to come. Something that they did not debate was morality. Atheists and Christians alike agreed on the moral issues of the country. They had different reasons for their beliefs, but they still agreed. Morality was not an issue of the states or the federal government. It was a thing for the people. 

This brings me to the point of this post: abortion is not a state’s issue. It is not a federal issue. It is an issue of the people. The moral compass of our people is so far gone at this point that these things still have to be talked about because our people are so lost. The murder of the born or unborn is something that only the worst of the pagan nations have ever done on this planet throughout history. This is the work of Sodom, Gomorrah, and the worshippers of Molech. 

The Dobbs decision was a great “win” for the pro-life side. But it is a win to a battle that should not even be being had. How have our people gotten so lost that they think this is a debate? There once was a time when our countrymen knew what was right and wrong. If someone thought that murder was ok, they would have locked them away in the looney bin for the rest of their days or until they saw the light. Now, more than half of our government is run by people who would have been prescribed shock therapy or the electric chair for the choices that they have made. Tomorrow, we swear in a man who was just convicted of 34 felonies and sadly, he was the sanest option of those running to rule our country for the next four years. America is in the dark days. 

Today is Sanctity of Life Day. As we consider life and how precious it is, we should consider those who are the most vulnerable and work to protect them. The shouts from the other side are always in favor of protecting the mother, which I really am all for. My pushback to them is why not protect the child and the mother? Why do we have to choose one and not the other? Let’s hold all life as sacred and work to protect them all. It is often said back to me that because I am a man, I shouldn’t get a vote in this matter. Well, I vote to protect. To protect the child. Protect the mother. Punish and hold men accountable. Have fair trials and believe women. It may be idealistic to think this way, but it was not that long ago when America was this way. We have forgotten our history and have lost our way in the process. We must work to get this all back. 

I choose to stand and protect. 

Who is with me?