An old boss of mine was once trying to teach me a lesson about something that I have now forgotten about and he asked me a question that has stuck with me since that point. He asked me, “Is there something that you are better at than everyone else?”
No one had every asked me this before. I actually had to stop and think for a minute. I think that I am pretty self aware of what I am good or bad at and as I thought through the things in my head, I came to one thing.
Looking him in the eye, I said, “Learning.”
He laughed and said, “That’s not a thing.”
To this day, I look back on that conversation and realize that it is actually my thing. I don’t think that I am smarter than everyone and I definitely do not know more that everyone, but I do have a knack for picking up knowledge about most everything. I think it comes from being naturally curious and being able to remember random things.
So what brings me to starting a blog? I have spent the last 10 years of my life reading, thinking, and learning about things. Some parts of these times have been at very rapid rates. I got my Bachelor’s degree in Business Management in 8 months, my MBA in 5 months, and am now working on a second Master’s of Arts degree followed by a Doctorate of Arts degree with a focus on Philosophy. I am hoping to complete this in about 18 more months for a total of 2 years. My profession is teacher where I have given myself crash courses in elementary through high school Mathematics, Physics, Biology, English, History, Bible and Logic, while teaching Ancient Philosophy at the college we just started. I actually really enjoyed learning and teaching them all. I think I have a fairly broad base of knowledge.
As is the point of Theaetetus by Plato, simple knowledge is not enough. It is not enough just to know about a bunch of different things. The world is not made up of bubbles of knowledge that do not touch. Rather, I believe that everything does overlap and connect. There is a magic about the science of this world. This is something that I wish to continue to delve into and understand and I want to share what I find here. So if you are curious as I am curious, please tag along with this journey that is my search of understanding. I do not claim to have all the answers but I at least have some questions that I want to flesh out. Feel free to engage with my thoughts. Feel free to disagree with my conclusion. Some of what I cover, you may find boring. If you find everything on here boring, I’m sorry but the problem is probably with you and you may not have any curiosity and potentially not even a soul. So buckle up and let’s explore the magical world around us.