For a guy that was born with a speech impediment, it is interesting that talking has been my job for the last 11 years. Unrelated to that, I misspeak a lot. It’s probably genetic from my mother, but we’ll just keep that under the house. Adults don’t seem to care all that much when you …
Tag Archives: Classical Education
What makes a Leader?
A Commendation to our U.H. I have often said about myself that I make a great number 2. I can lead when called upon. I will lead if no one else is. But my preference is to stand behind a good leader and make them better. To take things off their plate, so they don’t …
Glory in the Mundane
Achilles, King Arthur, Aragorn, Anakin. Heroes. Every young man’s dream. I grew up with a world in my head. These men swirled through it. I always wanted to be the hero, to swing a sword and save someone, anyone. I didn’t really care who. I just wanted to matter. The story that was my real …
A Glitch in the System?
Nassim Nicholas Taleb changed how I looked at the world a few years ago. Black Swan, Skin In The Game, and Antifragile taught me a new way to analyze the world and myself. You should check out all three of these books. For today though, one of the things I took from him is that within every system, there …
Is Paideia Just a Fancy Word for Education?
There is something about old words that has been lost over time. Our society and language have been dumbed down to the point where things only have surface meaning. It is quite terrible. There are some great words that we have lost like arete for virtue and trouthe for truth. Arete and trouthe are both …
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To Your Good Health and Prosperity
Over the past year, I have been working on one of my deficiencies. I have been active in my quest to conquer it, yet to no avail. I have come to the conclusion that this is the way that God has made me. God has made me to not really enjoy desserts. I have slaved, …
The Liberal Man at Work
With the inauguration in the rear view, times don’t appear to be any less political, and they don’t seem to be changing any time soon. The world is ripe for reformation or revolution, and that is a dangerous line. Radicals are all around from both sides of the isle and neither know how to communicate …
Welcome to the Deep End
Looking at my current physique and my current level of activity, most would not guess that I played a lot of sports as a kid. I was full grown by the end of 6th grade. I was pegged as a basketball player at that time. I liked basketball. Being over a foot taller than your classmates …
Classical Education, What’s It Good For?
What Does Classical Education Get You? Grammar, Logic, Rhetoric, Arithmetic, Geometry, Music, Astronomy. Plato, Charlotte Mason, Dorothy Sayers, Doug Wilson. Classical education is a lot of things. It has morphed and changed over the years, rising and falling through history. Each iteration adds another layer to it, putting more flesh onto the bones of the …
A Student Can’t Be Above Their Teacher
A few days ago, I was reading through Matthew 10, and I came to verse 24, paraphrasing it would be that a servant cannot be above their master. Great principle. In context, this is telling the disciples that they should be ready to be mocked, scorned, and disgraced because that is what the leaders were …